Recommendations to Inter Fractional Group of the Parliament of Georgia for Local Elections of 2014.

7 organizations (Center of Development and Democracy (CDD), Article 42 of the Constitution,  Human Rights Center (HRC), Election Environment Development Center  (EEDC), Georgian Democratic Initiative (GDI), Association of Georgian Regional Broadcasters (GARB), Media Development Fund (MDF) developed Recommendations to Inter Fractional Group of the Parliament of Georgia for Local Elections of 2014.


Although the legislative reform can not envisage significant – systemic changes some months prior the elections, in purpose to implement the elections in qualitatively better, transparent and fair environment, solution of the following issues would be preferable:


Simplification of polling day procedures


We think that the polling day is overloaded with certain procedures, which makes difficult the administration of the process, introduces bureaucratic mechanisms and requires additional resources, The E-day procedures could be simplified significantly by removal of the procedures for making special curve on the seal and inking.  


Optimization of the number of the members of the commissions  


We think that the functions – duties of the commissioners should be revised and optimized. In conditions of simplification of the polling day procedures and proper distribution of certain functions, number of commissioners could be reduced. Each member of the PEC should have particular function, and in the precincts where the number of voters is small it is possible to appoint 3, 4 or 4 commissioners instead of 6. Optimization of the composition of the commission will facilitate to better distribution of available resources and possibility for better salaries and preparedness of the commissioners. 


The steps essential better preparation of electoral administration 


We think that it is extremely important to introduce the obligation for attending the trainings by the PEC members; as well as limitation of the terms for withdrawal of the PEC members by political parties and increase of existing terms (at least up to 25 days prior the elections), in purpose to ensure appropriate

preparation of the commissioners.  


Restricting agitation at polling day  


We think tht restriction of the agitation and announcement of the silence 24 hours prior the elections will contribute positively to improvement of electoral environment at polling day. Besides, this could be observed as the prevention of mobilization of the supporters near the election precinct and of pressure on the voter’s will.   


Financing political parties 


We think that in case of violation of the legislation on financing political party – administrative mistake and deliberate offence should be clearly separated; in

particular the first should be the subject of proportional civil sanction and the other should envisage rather grave criminal liabilities as the offence committed deliberately. 


The threshold for receiving budget funding should be reduced in short term prospective for the local and parliamentary general elections, while in long term prospective it should be increased up to 4%.


It is important to reduce total amount of annual electoral expenditures. The connection with GDP should be abolished and real threshold should be identified, which will be in compl9ance with the population size and the resources accessible for electoral campaign.  

It is important to revise the resources and mandate of the service for financial monitoring of political parties of State Audit Office, in purpose to enable them to implement proper financial monitoring and to facilitate to maximal transparency of the funds available in politics.  


Media and elections 


We think that upper threshold of charged political advertisement should be determined by the Law. The cost of so called free advertisement should be calculated in accordance with financial declarations of the broadcasters and should be compensated from the state budget. Implementation of this change on one hand will make ensure access of all political parties to placement of political advertisement and on the other hand will facilitate to sustainability of the broadcasters. 


Besides, the qualified election subjects would receive special advertisement vouchers, by means of which they will be able to place political advertisements on desirable channels. Such change will release private broadcasters from the burden of the placement of political advertisement.  


Gender equality


We think that effective mechanisms should be introduced for improvement of women’s representation, which will really increase number of women on elective positions of local level.  



Supporter organizations:

  • Economic Policy Experts Center (EPEC)
  • Fund f Women
  • Association “Tolerant”
  • Association “Tanadgoma”
  • Association “School – Family – Society”
  • Student – Youth Council
  • Let’s Go Georgia
  • Association for Farmers Rights Defence (AFRD)
  • Georgian Youth Development Union
