Membership to CDD


Center of Democracy and Development (CDD) may have a full, associate and honorary members.


Full member of CDD is entitled to:
o    Participate in the work of the General Assembly of the Organization;
o    Elect and be elected in the management bodies;
o    Participate in the organization's program activities accordingly to qualifications and capabilities;
o    Obtain any information about the activities from the organizations management bodies and entities;
o    In accordance with the goals of the organization, use the organizational  information and material - technical means;
o    Wear the organizational emblem.


The associate member of CDD is entitled to:
o    Participate in the organization's program activities accordingly to qualifications and capabilities;
o    Obtain any information about the activities from the organizations management bodies and entities;
o    In accordance with the goals of the organization, use the organizational  information and material - technical means.
o    Wear the organizational emblem.


Members of CDD are responsible to/for :
o    Comply with the statute of organization, regulations and decisions adopted by the management bodies;
o    Respect the dignity, authority and property of the organization;
o    Participate in the organization's program activities accordingly to abilities and interests;
o    Pay membership fees as prescribed by the organization.


Members of CDD are terminated:
o    Based on the own request;
o    In case of non-payment of fees for one year without prior notice of the Board;
o    The Court's decision of his or her incapacity;
o    The court's decision to trace - lost recognition;
o    Court decision declaring her or his death;
o    Death.

General Assembly may exclude member from the organization if its activities are contrary to the objectives and aims of the organization, if statutes were violated, or member does not fulfills its obligations and duties.