Who we are?

Center for Development and Democracy (CDD) is a democratic, impartial, representative non-governmental organization in Georgia, established on February 26, 2008.


Organizational principles of CDD are:
o Rule of law;
o Independence;
o Impartiality;
o Transparency;
o Objectivity;
o Accuracy;
o Cooperation;
o Professionalism.


Aims and the key directions of CDD are:

Strengthening the democratic processes and the rule of law, protecting human rights, observing and monitoring elections, supporting gender equality, promoting environmental protection, advancing peace negotiations including confidence building processes, promoting the development of the civil sector, advocacy, enhancing civic awareness and citizens involvement in current reforms and more.


Target groups of CDD are:

Women; youth; internally displaced people; representatives of minority groups; citizens who live in rural areas of the country; representatives of civil society sector; etc.