Center for Development and Democracy (CDD) is observing and monitoring mid-term parliamentary and City Councils election of October 31st in Martvili and Sagarejo. CDD observes mission is consisted by 30 qualified and trained observers, in which are 5 mobile groups. Observers are divided in PEC as well as DEC. Mission group is also observing to special electoral district (like N11sagarejo DEC N51PEC daba Mukhrovani).
According to given information by CDD observers election day went more less in a peaceful environment. In electoral districts polling process went according to electoral legislation.
CDD's observerving mission recorded following deficiencies during polling day:
-Late open of PEC - 2 accidents
- miss processing of electoral documents - 3 accidents
-incorrect number of ballot papers announced -4 accidents
-permission of stay in PEC to not allowed people - 4 accidents
-agitation at PEC - 1 accident
-pre-preparing of ballot papers - 2 accidents
-incorrect filling of control paper -3 accidents
-detected inking procedure machine - 1 accidents
-other procedural deficiencies - 8 occasions
Unfortunately, Vicious practice of so-called political party “coordinators" mobilized near the polling stations, with purpose to mark names of voters in “Journal" still remains unchanged. The mentioned practice is visible in Martvili as well as in Sagarejo Districts.
Into the hotline of CDD was recorded around 20 phone calls about election day polling procedures and violation of citizens rights by electoral legislation. Our observation group had an immediate reaction for above mentioned occasions.
The Center for Development and Democracy replies to ongoing violation and confrontation factsin Sagarejo DECs and asks involved parties to maintain peace and give election administration opportunity to work under normal conditions and to announce legal tabullation process evaluation.
CDD's observerving mission will provide more detailed information about tabullation and closing procedures as soon as final results will be evaluated.