Thematic manuals and issues related with the use of administrative resources were the main topics of two day working meeting conducted in Kvareli



Appeal of the National Platform of Georgia Regarding the Delay on Decision to Grant Visa Free Travel to Georgia.



Statement of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Georgian National Platform



The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Georgian National Platform strongly condemns the fact of deprivation of life of Giga Otkhozoria at so-called administrative boundary line and urges International community to respond.


From 25 to 27 May 2016, representatives of civil society organisations in the countries of the Eastern Partnership having experience in conducting professional organisation of the observation of elections at national and regional levels will have the opportunity to attend a workshop on “Public outreach and advocacy” which will take place in Odessa, Ukraine.



Non-governmental organizations have addressed the President of the European People’s Party. The address is signed by about 40 organizations. The NGOs ask Joseph Daul to support the visa liberalization for Georgia.



Informational meeting “Georgia and EU” was conducted in GORI Gymnazium of Patriarchate of Georgia.



On February 18-19, the State Audit Office hosted the regional conference on “Money in Politics” In which Ketevan Chachava, the chairperson of Center for Development and Democracy (CDD), was invited As speaker.



Informational meeting “Georgia and EU” was conducted in Chiatura and Sachkhere Eparchy.



An informative meeting - round table “Georgia and EU” was held in Chokhatauri Partiarchate School.


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